
Precise Measurement and Total Control at the Click of a Mouse

MeasureMind® 3D MultiSensor metrology software makes it easy to measure your most complex parts. Intrinsic support of any number of sensors as well as single and compound rotary indexers lets you measure anything from simple geometric forms to complex free-form shapes on properly configured OGP measurement systems. Use data from any sensor or combination of sensors for 3D measurement of cylinders, cones, spheres, planes, and intersections, in addition to 2D features and relationships.

MeasureMind 3D MultiSensor provides a highly flexible datum environment. This includes datum leveling from any plane or feature with an axis, datum origin from any feature with a single location, and datum rotation from any point relative to the origin.

Interactive graphical models of the part support extensive quantitative numerical results. Selectively display measured features, nominal features, and/or raw data points. Choose orthographic or isometric views. See the part model from every perspective with interactive rotation and one-click panning and zooming.

People of all skill levels can use MeasureMind 3D MultiSensor for complete 3D measurement, on SmartScope Flash, Quest, and ZIP systems.

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